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Same-Day Dentures in Carthage

Can Same-Day Dentures Look Natural?

Dentures are the best thing for missing teeth. Same-day dentures, also called “immediate dentures,” are the same as regular dentures, but you don’t have to wait to get them. You can get Same-day or immediate dentures if you don’t have time to go through the traditional denture process. Standard dentures take a long time to make. Read on to find out some essential facts about Same-day dentures.

What are same-day dentures?

Dentures are placed in the patient’s mouth immediately following tooth extraction. In contrast to traditional dentures, the dentist prepares same-day dentures during your visit, and you will leave them in your mouth. People who have had tooth loss in the past and have fully healed gums are the best candidates for same-day dentures.

What does it look like?

Once in place, your instant dentures should feel and look just like your natural teeth. They should resemble your natural teeth very closely.

Are same-day dentures look natural?

You may wear dentures the same day they are ordered and fabricated with the same technology in manufacturing other types of dentures. As a result, they will precisely complement the form and color of the rest of your teeth to give the appearance of having teeth that are completely real. On the other hand, in contrast to more conventional dentures, instant dentures are less likely to draw attention to themselves.

Are these dentures good for oral health?

Immediate dentures are removable false teeth that can replace a single tooth or an entire arch. Dentists temporarily put same-day dentures for the first several months until permanent dentures are not ready. 

Gum tissue is also protected when the mouth begins to heal after using immediate dentures. Temporary dentures are helpful because dentists put them in the right after extracting teeth to prevent embarrassing gaps in one’s smile.

They are practical for the time being because people can have them the day after they have their teeth extracted.

What is the average lifespan of same-day dentures?

Immediate dentures are used temporarily, for a period of six to eight months, to replace missing teeth.

Remember that since temporary dentures are not fitted specifically for you, they can easily slide inside your mouth, which is a significant factor in why most individuals shy away from wearing them for a lengthy period. Immediate dentures need modification by adding material while the mouth begins to recover and the swelling subsides.


When a patient has an entire arch of missing or decaying teeth and wants dentures to replace them, same-day dentures can be a terrific option. In addition, many people favor them since they eliminate the need for temporary restorations until the final denture. They aren’t everyone’s ideal answer, though. This style of denture may not work well for patients with particular jawbone structures. In addition, you might not be a good candidate if you suffer from unmanaged health issues. Your nearby dentist can help you figure out if same-day dentures are a good option if you’re considering getting them to replace your missing teeth.