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We accept United Healthcare Community Plan but we no longer accept Halthplex.

Benefits of saliva

How essential is saliva for your oral health?

Saliva is present in everyone’s mouth. It is a fluid produced by the mouth by the salivary glands and oral mucus. It is a type of secretion that is watery in characteristics. Water forms the majority of ingredients present in saliva, with the rest being enzymes, antibacterial compounds, electrolytes, and mucus. Not only does our mouth have three salivary glands but also some minor glands. However, only limited saliva is produced by these minor glands. It is the major gland that produces most of the saliva. The secretions of saliva can be watery or it could be thick. Ions and salivary proteins are the two major enzymes present within the saliva. Thus these enzymes play a crucial role in helping an individual maintain good oral hygiene.

Advantages of Saliva in Oral Health

For the mouth, saliva plays the role of a cleansing agent. Saliva also helps in the proper digestion of food. While we chew the food in our mouth, saliva becomes a natural lubricant that helps us chew the food easily and swallow it smoothly without any difficulty. Due to its ability to moisten the food once we place it in the mouth, swallowing occurs properly. 

Keep Bacteria At Bay

Bacteria accumulate between the teeth, gum line, and tongue whenever we eat anything or sugary foods. We can keep the bacteria at bay from affecting the teeth through proper brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups. However, saliva plays a major role in keeping the bacteria at bay. It eliminates the food particles and bacteria from the tooth enamel. Thus it limits the buildup of plaque and tartar to a great extent. It thus helps people maintain good dental hygiene. Saliva also neutralizes the acids that are developed by the bacteria. Thanks to the ions present within the mouth that plays the role of a buffering system. It is also anti-viral, antifungal, and antibacterial. 

Bad Breath

Lack of proper quantity of saliva can cause bad breath problems in an individual. Furthermore, it can also cause tooth decay, gum disease, and gingivitis, a mild form of periodontal disease. It can also impact a person’s ability to chew and swallow food easily. Not chewing the food properly can also cause digestion problems in the person. 

If you feel you have a bad breath problem or find difficulty chewing food or swallowing, you should consult your nearest dentist in Carthage. The Carthage dentist will conduct a detailed oral examination to check for any dental problems you have, including whether or not a proper quantity of saliva is present in your mouth. You should explain your concerns, medical history, and medications that you are presently taking with the dentist in Carthage. The Carthage dentist will recommend the appropriate treatment.