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reason for swollen gums

Check Out The Causes of Swollen Gums

Uncommon Health Issues Related To Swollen Gums

Having tender and swollen gums can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable. But unfortunately, they are not uncommon. Most people have suffered from this dental issue at some point in their life. There can also be other uncommon and more serious health conditions that can be linked to swollen gums. They are as follows:

  • Scurvy or the acute deficiency of Vitamin C.
  • Any kind of oral cancer.
  • Behcet’s Syndrome (a disease that causes the inflammation of blood vessels).
  • Anemia or the lack of adequate blood cells.
  • Some forms of diabetes.
  • Various kinds of heart diseases. 

Who Is At Risk of Getting Swollen Gums?

It is crucial to indulge in good and proper dental hygiene practices if you do not want to suffer from serious oral and dental issues. Regular brushing and flossing twice every day along with monthly dental check-ups play a huge role in preserving both our oral and overall health. It is also repeatedly advised to properly rinse your mouth after having heavy meals. However, certain people do not take care of their teeth and gums properly. The bad or poor oral condition and unhealthy food habits put them at risk of suffering from periodontal problems. Here are some factors that also increase the chances of suffering from severe gum diseases:

  • People who do not undergo monthly dental check-ups and professional cleanings.
  • Aged people who are unable to maintain proper oral hygiene.
  • People who have a family history of gum diseases.
  • Stress can also be a factor for developing serious periodontal diseases.
  • Patients of oral cancer.
  • People who have systemic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.
  • Both teenagers and adults who have a habit of grinding or clenching their teeth.
  • Some medications can harm your gums.

The Causes of Swollen Gums

Having tender and swollen gums can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable. But unfortunately, they are not uncommon. Most people suffer from this dental issue at some point in their life. Numerous underlying health conditions are associated with swollen gums. They can be caused by a simple gum disease known as Gingivitis or it can be something more serious. The common health conditions related to swollen gums are:

  • Having a dry mouth.
  • Allergic reactions to oral medications.
  • Friction caused by defective dentures or dental restorations
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Inadequate amount of nutrition.
  • Excessive tobacco use
  • Gum Diseases

Swollen gums are a very common dental problem. So you do not need to worry if you have them. There are different kinds of homemade remedies and professional treatments available for problems like swollen gums. In case you are seeking the best periodontal treatments in Carthage, NY for any gum-related issues, do not hesitate to visit us at Long Falls Dentistry. We offer a wide range of services for all your dental needs.